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With the perfect combination of HELP CCS as the production team and Seedism Art being the directing unit, we whole-heartedly present you a play which adapted from Norwegian playwright, Henrik Ibsen.

This play is talking about a woman who was born into the legacy of aristocracy and lived a pampered life, as well as with a strong desire to manipulate those around her tries to overcome all the obstacles around her in order to get an ideal marriage.

随着前年的《尘芥. Trash》和去年的《吟梦. The Journey》观众给予的热烈反应,HELP University精英大学华文学会在今年将创造再一次的新突破, 呈现给观众一部欧美力作。这一次由精英大学华文学会为主办单位,Seedism Art 種子主藝为指导单位,为大家诚意献上一部改编自著名剧作家亨利‧易卜生的«海棠‧盖柏乐»。



Venue:HELP Residence Level 1 Multipurpose Hall

Show Time:
5/2/2015 8:00pm
6/2/2015 8:00pm
7/2/2015 2:30pm

Ticket: Student RM 15.00 // Public RM 20.00

For more info on ticketing, kindly contact CC 0128991164// Hui Ni 0194059818 or private message (pm) us on our Facebook page

~制作团队Production Team~
制作人Producer : 邵䮞倩Shiaw Chwen Chian 、徐慧倪Chee Hui Ni
导演Director : 余慧妍Amelyn Yee、张愷倚Kylie Chong
编剧Script Writer : 亨利.易卜生Henrik Ibsen
剧本整理Script Organization : 黄淑萍Suki Ng Sook Peng
灯光设计Lighting Design : 张茗刚Rex Teo
布景设计Set Design : 张茗刚Rex Teo
配乐Music : 余慧妍Amelyn Yee、张愷倚Kylie Chong
服装与造型Costumes Design : 余慧妍Amelyn Yee、张愷倚Kylie Chong
秘书Secretary : 曹瑆玶Cho Xin Pin
财政Treasurer : 黄观信Ng Kwan Sing
总务Logistic Master : 邝佩铃Fong Pei Ling
宣传组Publicity : 李国安Jackson Lee Kok Onn、吴惠浩Goh Hui How、李蕙颐Lee Huey Yi
赞助组Sponsor Team: 李佳纹Lee Kah Von、周姵妏Chew Pei Wen
布景与道具组Background & Props :
李世宏Lee Say Hong、陈家伟Tan Cha Wye、彭丰晋Phang Feng Jinn
平面与前台设计组Graphic and Front House Design :
郑丽望Pamela Ting Li Wang、余莉晶Yee Li Jing
舞台监督Stage Manager : 叶政亨Yap Jeng Han、黄淑欣Ng Shwuan、戴佳琦Tai Jia Chyi
演员Actors and Actresses :
达威 Darwin Nagaseparan、
严晶妮Giam Jing Nee,
刘睿恩Liew Xue En、
留燕媚Lim Yean Mei、
曾嘉恩Jojo Chen、
蔡仁杰Antony Choy、
李巧榛Eminie Lee
