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Showing posts from January, 2015


With the perfect combination of HELP CCS as the production team and Seedism Art being the directing unit, we whole-heartedly present you a play which adapted from Norwegian playwright, Henrik Ibsen. This play is talking about a woman who was born into the legacy of aristocracy and lived a pampered life, as well as with a strong desire to manipulate those around her tries to overcome all the obstacles around her in order to get an ideal marriage. 随着前年的《尘芥. Trash》和去年的《吟梦. The Journey》观众给予的热烈反应,HELP University精英大学华文学会在今年将创造再一次的新突破, 呈现给观众一部欧美力作。这一次由精英大学华文学会为主办单位,Seedism Art 種子主藝为指导单位,为大家诚意献上一部改编自著名剧作家亨利‧易卜生的«海棠‧盖柏乐»。 此剧改编自著名劇作家亨利‧易卜生的《海妲‧蓋柏樂》,劇中的女主角擁有強烈的控制慾,在女性的身體和道德的框架裡,享受眾星拱月的虛榮,卻無法體會真心誠意的人際關係,也不願承擔與選擇感情,是易卜生在《玩偶之家》之後,再度深刻刻畫女性心理的作品。 剧中女主角為了使自己擁有名利雙收的理想婚姻,和擁有教授地位的作家泰斯曼結婚,兩人從蜜月旅行回國後,海妲發現自己終究抵擋不了自我的慾望以及現實生活帶來的壓力,除此舊情人的出現、老同學的現身,成為這段理想婚姻的障礙,海棠用盡全身能用的每項武器似乎無法極盡完美,最後,她將發現唯一能做的一件事情,就是…… Venue:HELP Residence Level 1 Multipurpose Hall Show Time: 5/2/2015 8:00pm 6/2/2015 8:00pm 7/2/2015 2:30pm T...