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Showing posts from December, 2011

2012年种子主艺指导,精英大学华文学会主办的舞台剧《诡爱 。Sly Affections》隆重登场

简介: “他是谁?他为什么会出现在这个家?他是敌是友?又或者是神还是鬼?他到底是谁?” 富豪李泽希因心脏衰竭而去世,一对子女原以为可以继承爸爸生前遗留下来的公司和财产,万万没想到来了一个律师叫Ken Lee,他自称有李泽希真正的遗嘱,而宣布的结果是他们的后妈梁泳芯才是这份遗嘱的最大受益人,两姐弟深深不忿,决定要从梁泳芯的手上抢回他们的财产。就在他们争执的期间, Ken Lee却爆出李泽希原来在外面还有另外一个女人!当大家还在猜测这女人到底是谁,Ken Lee突然失控,他劫持了家里的每一个人。。。李泽希不愿看见他心爱的家人遭到伤害,他决定回家阻止悲剧的发生! 2012年大马中文剧场首部以惊悚片为主的贺岁舞台剧即将登场!这是一部结合了恐怖诡异、爱恨情仇和家族争斗的故事,一幕幕让人匪夷所思、心跳加速的情节将会引领观众去体验一个前所未有的恐怖剧场! Description : ‘'Who is he? Why is he in this house? Is he a friend or foe? Is he a god or ghost? Who is he exactly?’’ The seemingly peaceful, grandeur funeral of the deceased was just the beginning. The death of Mr. Lee Zhe Xi, who succumbed to heart failure, has started a family uproar. Behind the masks of solemn faces and loud wails, each family member possessed sinister plans to gain the massive fortune that he had left behind. Both daughter and son were excited about being the successors of their father’s properties, but things were beyond their expectations, when Ken Lee, a lawyer, turned up claims to have L...